Sunday, September 25, 2011

Two baptisms

The Gdansk branch got two new members on Sept. 24th.
This is Anna (we call her Ania)

And this is Patryk.
We don't have a baptismal font at the building where we meet,
so we rented a swimming pool for this occassion.
The pool is within a walking distance from our chapel,
but this time we had three cars available so we could drive
to and from the pool.
President Kempa baptized both Ania and Patryk.
Elders Garrett, Gladun and Waits had taught them
the discussions. Elder Gladun has been transferred.
Elders Waits and Garrett are in this picture. 

Here we are after the baptism at the chapel  ready
to enjoy some cookies and juice and to visit.
It was a very happy evening for all of us.
Pres. Kempa took this picture.

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