Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another neighbourhood grill

We had another grill for the neighbourhood
on Sept. 10, 2011.
44 people enjoyed the Polish hot dogs with
kielbasa,  and salads and fruit and sourkraut, of course.

This is Jan sitting on the left. He loves our barbecues.
The Elders see him all the time sitting on a bench
 in the park that is right by our chapel.
The Elders talk to him and invite him to our barbecue.
He can eat as many hot dogs as brother Lewis gives him.

Our "grill-master" brother Lewis.

Some of the members and guests.

 Neighbourhood children enjoying their icecream.
 Time to put things away.
Some more guests.

 Elder Krzyminski playing with the kids under the building.

These are some of the little older children playing with
Patrik, who is ready for baptism as soon as
he get his father's permission.
Behind the bike you can see the little area where the
little children like to play under the building
(with Elder Krzyminski).

And some of the guests who stayed till the end.

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