Friday, September 9, 2011

Transfers September 8, 2011

Last supper for this district.
Elders Gudnason, Krzyminski, Garrett and Gladun,
Sister Zatylny

A group picture, before Elder Gudnason leaves.
He's gone to Kielce.

Elder Gudnason posing for the last picture.
Elder Gladun getting his train ticket for Wroclaw.
Good bye Elder Gladun.
Welcome Elder Nielson.
He came from Bydgoszcz, where he had served as our zone leader.
He is now Elder Krzyminski's Jr. companion
and will be going home on Nov. 11/11.
Welcome Elder Waits.
He has been in Poland for 10 months (I think).

This is our new district.
Elder Nielson, Elder Krzyminski (new DL), Elder Waits

and Elder Garrett, who is now Elder Waits' Jr. companion.
Elder Garrett will be going home also on Nov. 11/11.
We sure have a group of strong, experienced missionaries in Gdansk.
Before Elder Garrett came to Gdansk he served as AP to
President Nielson.

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