Sunday, September 25, 2011

Two baptisms

The Gdansk branch got two new members on Sept. 24th.
This is Anna (we call her Ania)

And this is Patryk.
We don't have a baptismal font at the building where we meet,
so we rented a swimming pool for this occassion.
The pool is within a walking distance from our chapel,
but this time we had three cars available so we could drive
to and from the pool.
President Kempa baptized both Ania and Patryk.
Elders Garrett, Gladun and Waits had taught them
the discussions. Elder Gladun has been transferred.
Elders Waits and Garrett are in this picture. 

Here we are after the baptism at the chapel  ready
to enjoy some cookies and juice and to visit.
It was a very happy evening for all of us.
Pres. Kempa took this picture.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Statue of Christ

On the way to the statue we drove on the road that goes
to the German boarder, west of Poznan.
We've never seen soooooo many
transport trucks. We were behind this truck FOREVER.
We just could not pass it, because of all the oncoming
trucks on the two-lane highway. There were also a line
of trucks in front of this truck.
If you click on this picture, you can see that on the
back it says "Long vehicle". Remember we're in Poland and
the truck is heading for Germany.
 This statue of Christ is almost 36 m tall.
One meter is 39". You figure out the feet.

This is a view from our motel window.
I love the big fields in Poland.
This is a beautiful country.

Leszczynski castle in Gołuchów

Tis castle was built by Rafal Leszczynski in latter half of 1500's.
His son later lived in it, but it was later sold to another family.
King Stanislaw Leszczynski never lived in this castle.

This made me feel as if I was in the Sleeping Beauty land.
I call this the court yard.
This is actually just an entrance door to the court yard.
This is the other side.
And this is the back. The castle is surrounded with
walks, field and trees. A very peaceful feeling. 
I don't know what this statue is for.
It has Sylvan carved in the front.
I know this Leszczynski relative quite well.

Another neighbourhood grill

We had another grill for the neighbourhood
on Sept. 10, 2011.
44 people enjoyed the Polish hot dogs with
kielbasa,  and salads and fruit and sourkraut, of course.

This is Jan sitting on the left. He loves our barbecues.
The Elders see him all the time sitting on a bench
 in the park that is right by our chapel.
The Elders talk to him and invite him to our barbecue.
He can eat as many hot dogs as brother Lewis gives him.

Our "grill-master" brother Lewis.

Some of the members and guests.

 Neighbourhood children enjoying their icecream.
 Time to put things away.
Some more guests.

 Elder Krzyminski playing with the kids under the building.

These are some of the little older children playing with
Patrik, who is ready for baptism as soon as
he get his father's permission.
Behind the bike you can see the little area where the
little children like to play under the building
(with Elder Krzyminski).

And some of the guests who stayed till the end.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Transfers September 8, 2011

Last supper for this district.
Elders Gudnason, Krzyminski, Garrett and Gladun,
Sister Zatylny

A group picture, before Elder Gudnason leaves.
He's gone to Kielce.

Elder Gudnason posing for the last picture.
Elder Gladun getting his train ticket for Wroclaw.
Good bye Elder Gladun.
Welcome Elder Nielson.
He came from Bydgoszcz, where he had served as our zone leader.
He is now Elder Krzyminski's Jr. companion
and will be going home on Nov. 11/11.
Welcome Elder Waits.
He has been in Poland for 10 months (I think).

This is our new district.
Elder Nielson, Elder Krzyminski (new DL), Elder Waits

and Elder Garrett, who is now Elder Waits' Jr. companion.
Elder Garrett will be going home also on Nov. 11/11.
We sure have a group of strong, experienced missionaries in Gdansk.
Before Elder Garrett came to Gdansk he served as AP to
President Nielson.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dinner with the Simons

Elder and Sister Simons are the senior couple
in charge of seminary, institute and YSA 
in Poland Warsaw Mission.
They took us out for dinner when they came to
Gdansk to help us get organized for YSA activities. 

I just put this picture in so you can check
Elder Krzyminski's teeth.

Jean Georg Haffher

A statue of Jean Georg Haffner.
He had a spa and the pier built in Sopot.
The spa was the first in this area.

Grand Hotel

Just a few pictures of the hotel
where Hitler was staying
while the Warsaw Uprising was going on.
(At least that's what we've been told)
It's in Sopot close to the wooden pier.

The other side of the hotwl.