Friday, March 11, 2011

Something else we saw

These windmills are close to a city called Slupsk.
The first time I saw these two, I thought it was a six-winged windmill.
Coming down the highway, that's how it looked.  As we got
closer we could tell that it was two windmills lined up exactly.
I was surprised to see these buildings along the way.
I don't think I've seen one since I was a little girl in Finland.
I don't remember seeing them in Finland during my several
visits there in the past 40+ years.  I have to
check if they still have them, when we go there at
the end of our mission.  In Finland we call them "muuntaja"
According to Clarence they are called transformers in English.
Sorry about the dirty windshield.  Carwashes were too busy
the day before we left.

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