Tuesday, March 15, 2011

International Women's Day

This is Andrzej Henkel.  He is one of our English students.
The first time we met him, he told us that he was the
smartest man after Einstein.  He is writing a book and
when that book is published he will get a Nobel prize
for it.  He does not believe in God.  He only believes
in things that science can prove.  One day he asked me
if I would believe him, if he told me that he was Messiah.
When I told him that I knew he was not Messiah, he asked
how I knew it.  I told him that if he was Messiah, I would feel
his love and I didn't feel that kind of love from him.
On women's day he brought me three tulips.  Maybe he
hopes that I now believe that he is Messiah.  (haha)
Here's the tulips I got.

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