Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Prep-day, March 21

Yesterday (Mar 21) we went for a drive to a city called Krynica Morska.
It is on a narrow peninsula east of Gdansk towards the Russian border.
We set the GPS and took off.

When we got to this point on the road the GPS told us to go
"12 km straight ahead".  Our car does not float, so we decided
to go on the road that paralelled  the river. 

It was a nice drive.  We saw many single family homes and not many
apartments.  Some homes were fairly new or just being built.  Some
were so old that I didn't think anybody lived in them.  But
when I saw laundry hanging on the clothesline, I knew that some
clean people lived in the house.
We crossed the river further south.

To the south of the peninsula we could see the Baltic Sea, but
on the north the forest was too heavy to see through it.  I
suggested that maybe we should go for a walk to see the
north shore, but when we stopped the car.....

...and this guy greeted us, I decided that maybe the north
shore wasn't that interesting after all. 

On the way home we stopped where the forest to the north
wasn't so thick and took a picture.  I'm not sure if I saw the
ocean or just the sky, but there was some snow. 

I also got a good picture of "muuntaja" or a transformer.

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