Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prep-day activity

On Monday, Jan 31, we woke up to a nice sunny day.  We decided that it was a good day to go for a drive to the Russian border.  Russia has kept a little piece of land between Poland and Lithuania, so they can have access to the Baltic Sea, in case they need to ..... whatever.  Ask Germans and Poles, they'll tell you why.
This bridge is less than 5 km from the border.  We thought it was quite unique.
The road was the best we've seen in Poland.  No potholes.

This is as close to the border as we could go.

When the border guard saw me taking pictures, he came to talk to us.  He told us that we should not take pictures, but did not tell me to delete them, so I have them for you to see.  He then asked where we were going.  When we said that we were going back to Poland, he walked away and let us go.

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