Monday, February 28, 2011

Good bye to our branch president

We had a farewell lunch after church on Februaty 27.
Our branch president Marcin Pawelchyk is moving to England. :(

Janina (standing in the back) cooked delicious Polish
white barszcz for us.  After the meal we were all so full 
that it  felt as if we'd had a big Christmas dinner.

Here you can sort of see Pres. Pawelchyk in the back
playing with his baby.
Pres. Nielson will be in Gdansk on March 13th to
reorganize the branch presidency or to call a new
president for the branch.
President Pawelchyk and his wife Gabrysia.
Their baby was born on September 1, 2010.
I need to get a picture of them with the baby.

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