Thursday, October 14, 2010

Missionaries we have worked with

Here are the missionaries who welcomed us to Gdansk.
From left to right:  Sisters Spear and Free, and Elders Leimer and Guthrie.

At the first transfer we got Sister Sheffield and Elder Loosli.
Sister Free and Elder Leimer stayed with us.

When Elder Loosli was transferred to Lublin to become the branch president, Elder Mehner came to spend his last three weeks with Elder Leimer.

At the end of September Sister Sheffield and Elder Mehner went home and we got two "greenies" straight from the MTC.  Here is Sister Bailey with Sister Free, who will be going home to Mesa, AZ at the end of October. 

And here is the other "greenie" straight from the MTC, Elder Lundin.
I don't know what was on Elder Leimer's mind, but he doesn't look very pleasent.  He is a nice young man from Germany.

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