Thursday, October 14, 2010

Members of Gdansk branch

This is our branch president Marcin Pawelczyk and his wife Gabryszia.
They had a baby boy on September 1, 2010

Here's Bartek, our latest convert.  He has moved to Germany.

This is Janina, our interpreter.  She has attended BYU and speaks very good English.

Marinella, one of our old faithfuls.

Magda, one the counselors in Relief , with Sister Free.

Our only child in Primary, Klaudia.  She just had her fourth birthday in September.

This is Violetta, Klaudia's mother.  She is the other counselor in Relief Society.

We miss this couple, Bruno and Gosia.  He is a member from Peru.  She was investigating the Church, when he got a job elsewhere and they had to move.

This picture was taken at the baby shower.  On the left is Halina.  She is 84 years old, but always willing to help clean the chapel.

Piotr is blindfolding Elder Leimer for the game "Pin the diaper on the baby".

This is Kazik with his cousin and Janina.  He is the branch mission leader.
(Sorry, I don't have a better picture of him)

They don't use last names in Poland.  We have finally got some of them to call the branch president by his last name instead of just "Marcin".  I have a hard time spelling or pronouncing their last names.

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