Monday, October 18, 2010

Malbork, Poland

Malbork, world's largest Gothic castle, 60 km from Gdansk.

Szymbark, Poland

One p-day we visited a "heritage park" in Szymbark.
They are in the Guinness book of world records for having the world's longest board.

Here we are entering a pretend bomb shelter, where they played sounds of sirens and bombing.
It was really eerie.

We were told that people feel dizzy inside this house.
I didn't believe it....

...till I walked in and had to hold on to the walls to walk around.

Water purifier

We can't drink tap water in Poland, so the church gives water purifiers to all missionaries and chapels.

Our sisters had trouble changing one of the filters, so we went to help.

Finally Clarence and Sister Free got the old filter out.

And Clarence put the new one in.

The sisters did get the old one out, but when they could not get the new one in they tried to put the old one in.  When that one went in only half way, they called us.  We do not know why it was so difficult to get one in.  Usually the filters slip in just fine.

Seniors' outings

Some of the senior missionaries with Pres. Nielson (on the left)
Some were missing - The Moons, The Irelands and Elder Thueson

On this wall are the names of all those who died during the Warsaw Uprising.
There were no Zatylnys.

Inside the Warsaw Uprising Museum.
The rooms were too dark for picture taking.

We saw this stork's nest on the way to Chopin's birthplace.

At the Chopin's birthplace.

Here's where Chopin went to church when he lived in Warsaw.


Some buildings in Warsaw Old Town

There are many war monuments in Poland.  I can't remember what they all are for. 

Just like New York

Stalin offered the Polish people money for improvement of transportation or a building.  Polish people asked for transportaion, Stalin built this building instead.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Auschwitz and Ravensbruk

When my sister and her daughter came to visit us we drove down to Auschwitz.

Entrance to Ravenbruk.

This was where the prisoners slept.
The only heater was the small the one in the front.

This was their "outhouse".

These are the ruins of the gas chambers, that they try to destroy to hide any evidence.

More ruins of gas chambers.

YSA conference in Szczyrk, Poland

At the end of July we traveled all the way to southern Poland to attend the YSA conference.
150 YSA from eastern European countries gathered at the Polish mountains for a week of learning and fun.

Getting ready for an evening devotional.

The meals were delicious.  We ate too much.  I gained about 4 lbs, but fortunately lost it soon after we got back to Gdansk.

We met some senior missionaries who were friends of friends.
The sister on the phone in this picture is sister Wade.  Her husband served a mission in Finland when I was a young girl.  Later she and her husbandd served in Finland as mission president.
The other three at the table are serving in Poland Warsaw mission.

Every day ended with a dance. 

Mormon Helping Hands built birdhouses and picked up some garbage on the mountain side.
Here some of them are returning to the hotel where we all stayed.