Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 5

We have been to Old Town so many times without
a camera and have seen this woman sitting right there
on Dluga (Long street, the main street) knitting away.

I didn't want to leave Gdansk without a picture of her
and all the things that she has knitted and has them for sale.
Too bad she wasn't knitting this time.
Maybe she was getting ready to leave.

As we were walking down Dluga we heard some music.
That is not uncommon. Many musicians come here to
play their instruments and to sing and hopefully earn a few zlotes.
But this time the music was by a youth orchestra from Norway. 

 We stood for  a while to listen to them 
They were quite entertaining.
I hope they got enough zlotes to at least pay for their supper.

This is the real reason why we were out on Dluga.
This choir was singing at the Russian hall.
We've been to that hall several times for various concerts.
Sister Marinella Braszka is Russian and invites us to
concerts that are held at this hall. This time was quite enjoyable.
Their soprano soloist had a beautiful voice. 

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