Friday, August 19, 2011

Bydgoszcz zone conference

We had a nice surprise at this zone conference.
Dr. Dahl (one of the mission doctors in Europe) and
his wife were in Poland and came to our Zone Conference.
Dr. and Sister Dahl are our daughter Rita's friends.
Dr. Dahl even delivered Rita's youngest child.
We had a good visit with the Dahls. 

Here's all the missionaries of the Bydgoszcz zone.

And here are the missionaries of the Gdansk district.
Elders Krzyminski, Garrett, Gladun and Gudnason.
And the Zatylnys.
Birthday "girls and boys" with their M&M cookies.
Besides many other talents, Sister Nielson is also
 an expert in baking cookies.

Lunch break.
Monday was a holiday in Poland, so everything was closed.
The zone leaders had to buy all the lunch ingredients on
Saturday. The buns needed to be baked (warmed up) during the
 morning meeting, so I missed President Nielson's message.

After lunch the Elders and Sisters had a "Preach My Gospel chase".
Here's Elders Garrett and Gladun.
And here's our Elders Krzyminski and Gudnason with
the AP's, Elders Hillyard and Eastman. 
And these are the judges - Elder and Sister Simons. the Zatylnys,
Pres. Nabozny and Dr. and Sister Dahl.

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