Friday, August 19, 2011


Some branch members surprised me on my birthday.
See who can make the funniest face while eating cake and icecream.

Brother and Sister Lewis were the organizers of the party.
They had baked two cakes - carrot cake and chocolate cake. 
They also brought enough icecream for an army. 

Bro. Lewis: "What are you doing, Elder Garrett?'
Elder Garrett: (thinking) "I think I'll just ignore him."

Here's two of the four "Anjas" that were at the party.

Here is the youngest Ania (in the middle).

And one more Ania talking with the missionaries.

Darek (next to Elder Gudnason), one of our English students
took close to 50 pictures that evening. Thanks, Darek.
Some people had left early

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