Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nielsons' visit to Gdansk, July 24, 2011

This is our Sunday School class on July 24th.
Our teacher Marinela is sitting in the front.

This is the Primary that same day.
We even had a visitor.  Klaudia is on the left
and the visitor is on the right.
Sister Lisa Lewis, sitting at the back,
is our Primary President and Magda helps her
with translation of the lessons. 

We had 6 investigators at church that day.
The Elders had the Gospel Essentials class for them.
This is Ania with Elders Garret and Gladun.

 This is our "eternal investigator" Maciek with
Elders Gudnason and Krzyminski.

Here's our branch presidency, Pres. Kempa in the middle,
Bro.Lewis, 1st counselor on the right,
and Elder Zatylny, clerk on the left.

On Monday morning we had the district meeting.
I had run out of nylons and had to wear knee-highs.
I'm making sure that my skirt covers the top of them.
I bought nylons on Tuesday.

I usually make lunch for the missionaries after
district meetings.  This time we had taco soup.

Enjoying our lunch.
Pres. Nielson was interviewing Elder Garret.

It was a Mexican day for us.  For dinner we went to
a Burrito restaurant.  Here's our elders
 and Pres. Nielson's son Dane.
We might have been talking to Pres.Nielson about
our departure date, which has been moved to Oct. 21.

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