Sunday, June 26, 2011

Leszczynski castle

This picture was taken in front of the castle that King Stanislaw Leszczynski lived in.
It is just south of Poznan in a smaller city called Rydzyna. 

 Part of the castle is now a hotel
.  They gave us a tour of the floor that is not usually open for public.
This is just part of a hallway.
 Somebody at some time must have been a hunter.
 There was even a stuffed bear in one corner.
 The ceiling and the corners of this room were quite interesting.
See the next two pictures also.

Just a piece of furniture
 They have about 4 weddings there every weekend. 
 This room was all ready for one that was being held the next Saturday.
 This is another entrance to the castle.
This is actually the one they use for the hotel.
 This is one Leszczynski standing by another.
The statue is of King Stanislaw Leszczynski.
 This is the back of the building.
 This was a table in our bedroom.
I think I took this picture of the moat that surrounds the castle
from our living room window.

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