Monday, June 6, 2011

Karlo's visit

Old Town - Karlo at theStatue of Neptune

Długa (Long) Street in Old Town.

A Pirate ship in Old Town.

This is the stairway up to the top of St. Mary's church in Gdansk Old Town.
They seem to have St. Mary's church in every city in Poland.
The first part of the stairs were spiral.

The men climbed all 450 stairs to the top of the church.
My sore muscles allowed me to climb only the 160 spiral stairs.
The rest of the stairs were just normal strait stairs, but they went round and round also. 

Coming down was another spiral staircase 130 (I think) and then 30 steps
so steep that Karlo thought I would pass out.  He wanted to get a picture of my horrified look,
but he was too slow.   Clarence kindly went in front of me down the stairs
so I didn't need to look at how steep they were.

We call this the "Anno-building".  It has on it "Anno 1650"  (I'm not sure of the year)

At the solidarity monument.

"King Karlo" at the Malbork castle.
At the Malbork Castle.
They have ipods as "tour guides" in several languages.

At Sopot pier with another pirate ship in the back ground.

In this picture you can hopefully see the beach in the back ground.

The longest wooden pier in the world, at least that's what they say.

Karlo at the Baltic Sea.  He got to touch it.

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