Saturday, May 28, 2011


Since we had to be back in Warsaw on Thursday for a zone conference where Elder Teixeira was speking to the missionaries of Warsaw and Bydgoszcz zones, we decided not to drive back north to Gdansk.  Instead we headed south to Krakow and Wielicka, where Clarence has some family.

For our first night in Wielicka we found this neat place that offered rooms for the night.  We had a small room and a bathroom for 100 zl ($33).  There was only 1 small towel, so we skipped showering the next morning.  Maybe we good have got towels for another zlotes or two, but we didn't bother asking.  There was no shampoo either and the soap for the shower had been used by someone else earlier.  Skip shower, right!!!  The place was clean, but people in Poland don't shower every day, so soap, shampoo and towels are not that important, I guess.

These are Clarence's cousin Zbigniew Gardecki and his wife Krystyna Gardecka.  His grandmother and Clarence's grandmother were sisters.  Yes, we did get some info for genealogy. 
Zbigniew took us to Wielicka salt mines.  Here are the cousins waiting for the tour to start.

To take pictures inside the salt mines you have to get a special permit, so we decided to be happy with just a picture on the outside.  Our camera would not have taken good pictures in the semidark mines.

This is just a church in Wielicka.  I thought it looked nice behind the trees and bushes.

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