Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring cleaning

We invited branch members to come help clean windows at the chapel.
Here is our faithful, always willing helper, Wioletta. 
She was recommended to us as being a good window cleaner.
She proved her reputation to be true.

This is Janina.  She is waiting to have surgery on her elbow,
but she came to help any way.  Thank you, Janina.

As always the elders are always willing to do some service hours.
Here's Elder Krzyminski, who just arrived in Gdansk two days ago.

And this is Elder (Nathan) Tanner.  Yes, he is a distant relative of N. Eldon.

The Zatylny's have been talking about getting the chairs cleaned for a long time.
Elder Zatylny vacuumed and spot cleaned them all.  Oh, how nice!

Elder Siebert and Elder Gladun had trouble with their washer
and had to wait for their landlady to come and fix it. 
So they couldn't come in the morning, but we saved
a window for them too (by accident).

Here's Elder Gladun finishing the job.  Now all the windows are clean.

Food always tastes good after a few hours of hard work.

And of course elders can eat any time, anywhere, especially if it's pizza.

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