Saturday, November 20, 2010

Relief Society activity

We had a successful Relief Society activity on Nov. 20.  Here are Sisters Bailey and Helfrich and sister Halina, sister Elzbieta (new in the branch) and sister Violetta.  Violetta's 4-year old daughter Klaudia was there also, but is not in these pictures. 
Here we have Magda, Gabrysia with her baby Nataniel and sister Helfrich.

I had a picture taken just to proof that I was there too.

This is a decoration that Halina taught us to make.  Her mother had taught her when she was a little girl 80 years ago.  It is made of tissue paper.  Pretty need, eh?

We decorated these jars and put candles in them for Christmas lanterns.  I also thought that we could fill some with candy and go carolling to less-actives.

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