Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1, Polish Memorial Day

Memorial Day in Poland is a BIG holiday.  We took this picture when we first got to the cemetary on Saturday morning.

We saw one grave with a familiar last name.  Clarence's grandmother was a Leszczynski.

Some people had already cleaned around the graves and brought candles and flowers.

We helped at some graves where no-one had come or wouldn't come.  When we started to clean up this grave the lady who was cleaning the next grave, was happy.  She usually cleans it, because no-one ever takes care of this grave.

This is where people bring their candles if their loved-one's grave is in another city and they can't go there.   Otheers come to say prayers for those whose candles are burning here.  This picture was taken on Sunday.  On Monday there were a lot more candles. 

Outside the cemetary walls are the "money-makers"  They sell flowers and candles.  They were all over the place.  I would guess at least 100 of them.  See the crowd of people in the background.  Also the bus.  There were about 5 - 6 busloads of people coming every 10-15 min.  I have never seen that many people in one place.  Not even in New York.

Police would allow only so many people to cross the street at one time or the cars would never get anywhere.

Cars were parked for miles on both sides of the hiway going both ways.

On Monday the young missionaries did "whiteboarding" for a while.  They told  people about family history.  On Monday evening we sang hymns at the cemetary entrance.

With all the candles lit the cemetary was beautiful.

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