Sunday, December 26, 2010


This is our "Charlie Brown Christmas tree" at the church.

We drew names for Christmas presents.
Here's what the young ones got...

...and here's the old folks' presents.

Elder Lundin, Janina, Sisters Bailey and Helfrich, and Elder Plumb
with their stockings.

We (missionaries) put on a Christmas pageant for the memebers.
Here's Mary and Joseph, before the baby was born.
Do not laugh, we are younger than Abraham and Sarah when they
had their firstborn.

The baby has arrived.
On the left is our narrator, our branch mission leader, Kazik.

The angel is announcing the birth of the Christ child to the shepherds
and they have come to adore him.  (with dishtowels on their heads)

The wisemen have arrived (they have crowns)
The angel is covering her face with her notes.

Now you can see the angel again.

Our two investigators wanted to take a picture with us.
We had fun doing it.

This is our street on December 26. 
We live on a one-way street.
It seems to us that some people park their cars for the winter.

This is how Klaudia gets to church in the winter.
Reminds Anja of her childhood. 

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