Friday, April 29, 2011

Transfer time

It's time for transfers again.  The actual time for them is next week, May 5th,
but Elder Plumb left today, Apr. 29th.  He is going to Lublin.  During the
next 6 days he will be trained to serve as the branch president.

We will miss him, not only because he can play the piano,
but also for his cheery personality.  He is also the only
person that Sis. Zatylny has ever seen beat her husband in
arm wrestling.

Elder Krzyminski arrived on Thursday May 5th. 
We are looking forward to getting to know him. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Early spring in Oliva Park

Yesterday (Apr. 22) we went for a walk in Oliva Park and saw many signs
that told us that spring is here.  (I only wish that I were a photographer
with a good camera)

This is not in Oliva Park.  I took this picture of daffodils earlier
this week on our way to the bank.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring is here

Trees and shrubs are getting new leaves. A sure sign of spring.

Another sign of spring.  Road construction.  We are getting new tracks for our streetcars.
Here are some pictures of men getting rid of the old ones.  This man has a 5' long prybar 
to loosen old wooden ties. 

Some men work with sledge hammers.

This man used a shovel to dig up some of the rocks. 
I missed taking a picture of the guy who was working with a pitchfork.

He's smoothing the ground with whatever the tool is called.

These men saw me taking pictures from the car and decided to pose for me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Conference etc.

Watching the conference.
"Let us all press on..."
Our patio door was open.  I hope the neighbours outside (and
inside) heard these elders sing.  It sounded great.

They all went shopping on  No more "holy" shoes and I've been told that
the pants with "holy" pockets will be thrown in the trash.

And the new shoe polish does a great job.