Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Masterpiece of imperfection"

I think we are supposed to have a light right here.
Maybe they ran out of tiles when they were finishing the wall above our bathroom door.
This picture should have been rotated.  It is the door frame. 
They must have run out of drywall or sheetrock.
This is what one of the sisters in our branch calls Polish workmanship - "masterpiece of imperfection".

Polish parking

This is how cars are parked in Poland.
The streets are too narrow, so we all just pull onto the sidewalk.
Snow really created a big problem.  Only the main streets are plowed, and
nobody cleans their sidewalk while the snow is nice and soft.
Now that the sidewalks and parking lots are like skating rinks, we
see people chopping the ice to clean the sidewalks.
I should have taken a picture of the hospital parking lot when we went to visit
a friend.   I was sooooo afraid of falling.  I guess it would have been OK.
I was close to a hospital.


This is my voice-activated dishwasher.
Actually it is a "multipurpose machine".
It works also if I say: "The floor needs vacuuming and mopping"
Or "The trash is full."